Spring cleanse with Reiki

Happy spring!

I hope each of you are enjoying the beauty of the season! Spring is a time of awakening and blossoming, a time when the earth and our bodies awaken from winter's hibernation, and our energy warms and becomes more expansive. It is also a time of a great global shift -- politically, environmentally, and spiritually. As we all experience these changes externally, it is essential to integrate them internally. To rediscover a resting place, a sense of stability and support in our own bodies. It is the perfect time to cleanse the body and spirit, to sharpen your awareness, and to center your intentions. It is wise to come into this enlivened energy of spring and changing energy of the world in a mindful and compassionate way.


The gentle approach of Reiki is a perfect support during a time of change and rebirth. Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing technique where the practitioner guides universal energy to restore balance in the body, mind and spirit. It is done while laying on a massage table, fully clothed, and relaxed. During a Reiki session, you are provided an opportunity to deepen connection to your body's energy system, cleanse unwanted baggage, and gain insight on what you are called to do now. The experience of receiving Reiki is restorative, relaxing, and for many it can be quite cathartic.

Contact me for a Reiki session today.