group therapy

New ways to think about self-care

With the first series of my self-care for therapists group now complete, I'd like to share our diagram where we brainstormed both tried-and-true and brand new ways we can honor the self:

Some of the phrases the group used to define self care included "honoring the self," "refilling the well," and "making time and space to be mindful of my parts." (You can see these around the center of the drawing, on the green petals.)

The image above contains collective wisdom about the ways many of us may already be working self-care into our lives, and it also contains ideas that might be new to you for considering how you might refuel and practice gentleness and kindness with yourself.

We looked at how we can offer ourselves care in the following categories, and I've listed just a few examples below:


  • sleep/naps
  • exercise (running, yoga...)
  • diet/nutrition (gut health, eating breakfast...)
  • self-pampering (massage, spa day...)
  • medical care (regular check-ups, bodywork, natural supplements...)


  • therapy (self-study, self-inquiry)
  • art (can also be physical, spiritual, and social!)
  • writing (creative writing, journaling...)
  • alone time
  • travel


  • spending time with loved ones
  • setting healthy boundaries
  • community involvement
  • picking up a new hobby


  • daily  practice (mindfulness, prayer, meditation, ritual...)
  • retreats
  • energy work
  • spending time in nature


  • declutter your space
  • creating a sacred space at home (altar, resting place...)
  • fresh flowers/plants and natural light
  • playing music you love
  • memorabilia or photos that are reminders of joy
  • choosing clothes you feel good wearing

In discussing how therapists can honor their therapist selves around their work day, I presented ideas surrounding client sessions. For example, we covered:

  • how therapists/healers might prepare for their work day (physically, spatially, mentally, spiritually)
  • how therapists can honor (and not abandon) themselves during therapy sessions, and
  • how therapists can cleanse, refuel, and honor themselves after their work day

Notes on these can be seen on the left side of the diagram above; however, it is important to create rituals that are personal and unique to you.

In my private practice, many of my clients are other therapists, therapy graduate students and interns, healers, and caregivers who wish to create personalized, sustainable ways of making self care part of their daily rituals. If you'd like to connect with me for a free 20-minute consultation to see if I may be able to help you, please contact me.

I plan to offer a similar group later this year, most likely in autumn. Stay tuned to find out when by signing up for my e-newsletter (over there in the right column) and by following me on Facebook and/or Twitter.

Self-care group for therapy interns & students

It is with great excitement that I announce a new offering: I'm gathering  a group of psychotherapy graduate students and interns for a nurturing, supportive, small group to discover ways to honor the self and to refuel. In the group, we will cover topics such as:

  • the therapist identity
  • empathy fatigue/compassion fatigue and burnout
  • using mindfulness in the therapist chair
  • ways to bring more self-care into our life and workday

In each session, participants will engage in art, journaling, and mindfulness exercises.


When?     Four Wednesday Evenings | March 12, 19, 26, April 2 | 7 - 8:30pm

Where?    Living Arts Center, 2680 Bayshore Pkwy, Suite 101, Mountain View

How much?     $185 for the series(includes art materials)

Interested?     Contact Jen.

Please feel free to share this blog post if you know of a psychotherapy graduate student or intern (any program or track including LPCC, MFT, PhD, PsyD, LCSW, etc.) who might benefit from this offering. To share, you can email the link to this post or share via Facebook, Twitter, etc.

To learn more about the facilitator, click the links below: